SBI Alert: These Rules Have Changed, Do Not Know, But Cash Will Be Raised With Big Trouble

SBI Alert: These rules have changed, do not know, but cash will be raised with big trouble
The Federal Reserve System is composed of several layers.

It is governed by the presidentially appointed 
board of governors or Federal Reserve Board (FRB). Twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, located in cities throughout the nation, regulate and oversee privately owned commercial banks.Nationally chartered commercial banks are required to hold stock in, and can elect some of the board members of, the Federal Reserve Bank of their region.
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) sets monetary policy. It consists of all seven members of the board of governors and the twelve regional Federal Reserve Bank presidents, though only five bank presidents vote at a time (the president of the New York Fed and four others who rotate through one-year voting terms). There are also various advisory councils. Thus, the Federal Reserve System has both public and private components.It has a structure unique among central banks, and is also unusual in that the United States Department of the Treasury, an entity outside of the central bank, prints the currency used.
SBI Alert: These Rules Have Changed, Do Not Know, But Cash Will Be Raised With Big Trouble SBI Alert: These Rules Have Changed, Do Not Know, But Cash Will Be Raised With Big Trouble Reviewed by Master on 12/20/2018 09:56:00 pm Rating: 5
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